This page features info for guitarists, bass players & all musicians. FunkyChops, SuperChords & QuickBeat music products made by Jim Lee. You can find more info about Jim's products from the links below... - About the Products






Created by a Musician:

jim lee creator of these musical products
Hi, my name is Jimmy Lee and I'm a musician & visual artist. I was born & raised in midwest Ohio, but now I'm in California. I started playing the violin at five and now play the bass, guitar & drums.

In the past, I played guitar for the Unknown, a poppy, punk band. Then I played bass in a blues rock trio called Slick Feet. I currently play in a punk rock band called The Dempsey Project, in which I sing & play drums.

I used to paint a lot and have created a ton of songs. One of my favorite things to do is write/record music ... I've been fortunate in that I've had a home studio since 1991. I've pretty much been really busy as a technology educator & commercial multimedia producer. I plan to concentrate on art and music I hope to have fresh, new content most of the time.

Why I created products:
I created the products as results of insights from playing music. I then pursued the money aspect of selling a product. I feel fortunate that I am offered the opportunity to be able to pursue an income from creativity.

The products were conceived from a "what if?" philosophy.

  • My first product was FunkyChops 101 Slap Bass Riffs, Vol. 1. After viewing & using traditional bass instruction such as books, videos (VHS), etc., I noticed that a lot were theoretical and non-intuative. As a Suzuki violin method learner, I was mostly accustomed to "playing-by-ear" as opposed to theory. I do not undervalue the need for theory, but I feel that "playing-by-ear" certainly is important. I wanted FunkyChops to have a "friend-who-plays-bass" approach. Suppose you had a friend who played a riff. You say, "cool, I like that...can you play that again slower?" Sure, with FunkyChops you can, it offers three speeds. You can also pause and restart the riff video clips.
  • SuperChords was the result of using guitar chord videos, books & CD's. I noticed that you couldn't really create your own, original song if you didn't know the chord first. Even if you just learned a chord, that doesn't necessarily mean you have developed the facility to easily play the various new chords to create a progression. SuperChords reverses the traditional way of learning. It allows you to hear chords, in any order you choose, so you can create your own progression to learn. After you've chosen the chords by ear, you can then learn the features tablature and a photo. The photos are different than most guitar books. They feature angles of hand positions from the guitarists point of view! This was a result of my wondering why most guitar books show a mirror image view.
  • The QuickBeat Human Drummer V1 drum machine software was created while practicing bass guitar. It seemed that most drum machines were difficult to use and they sounded very mechanical. On top of that, they usually cost over $200. As a musician, if all you wanted to do was jam or practice, you'd probably want something more simple and affordable. The QuickBeat drum machine is all that and better... it features real, live human drummers. So it's the next best thing to playing with a person, and you can jam at 3am!
  • I also have a new 8 minute tutorial that shows you how to do the double thump bass technique!

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Copyright © 2004

My Past & Current Recording Gear
Deck II

Digidesign Digi-001 Computer Recording System

Shure SM57 Instrument/Vocal Mic

Shure SM57 Instrument/Vocal Mic
This is one of the greatest mics! It's relatively cheap... but it's a true workhorse. There's a reason why this microphone is so popular. I have better mics, but I usually end-up choosing the 57... espescially for instrument recording. Sounds beautiful with snares.

Perfect Starter Recording Kit
Fostex VF80 All-in-One Recording Package
Fostex VF80 All-in-One Recording Package

Pro/Consumer Quality Set-Up
Akai 24-Track Studio All-In-One Package
Akai 24-Track Studio All-In-One Package

Similar to My Current Acoustic Kit
Ludwig Fab 4 Classic Maple Drumset with 22” Kick

Ludwig Fab 4 Classic Maple Drumset with 22” Kick

My Current Digital Kit

Yamaha DS9XPSII DTXpress Electronic Drumset

Yamaha DS9XPSII DTXpress Electronic Drumset

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FenderĒ Standard Strat® Satin

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